Hand in hand, for liberty they make their stand. This design is made in celebration...
For the little rascal in your family! Sculpted by Annette. 1.5" x 1" Green, blue...
Ready to dance the Charleston? Available in pastel multi-colors, red and black. Sculpted by Annette....
This little mouse in her pretty dress is tip toeing her way through the meadow...
There's nothing like making a little snack! Sculpted by Donna. 1.5" x 1.75" Retired in...
This little witch is hanging out on the moon - what a nice way to...
Santa is on his way! Loaded down with a bundle of toys this delicate miniature...
Miss Bobbin is the oldest piece on the line and one of Annette's favorites! This...
This little patriot proudly displays the flag of the new nation. This design celebrates the...