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Don't bother Mom or Dad until after their morning coffee or tea! Available in three...
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Ice cream - a favorite yummy treat! Sculpted by Willy. 1.375" x 1" These colors...
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These two are having a grand time playing Chinese Checkers and sharing a bowl of...
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Mum shows her new baby the shiny Christmas ornament. Little bunny, isn't it pretty! Sculpted...
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This handsome stork brings a special arrival! Available with a pink or blue blanket. Sculpted...
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The Missus has her basket full of carrots and turnips from the Mister's garden. Love...
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The Mister is very proud of his home grown veggies! We think they're going to...
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This Mama bunny is making sure her little one is all bundled up for the...
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The excitement of discovering an Easter egg during his first hunt has him running to...
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Part of a new series called Vintage Snowdrops, this motherly mouse tenderly rocks an infant...
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Surrounded by lots of stuffed animals! This piece can be customized by choosing many different...
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The excitement of discovering an Easter egg during her first hunt has her running to...
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Her Music Lesson. Musical mouse handcrafted by Wee Forest Folk. Retired in 2020.