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Snow is in the forecast! How many snowflakes can you catch on your tongue?! Sculpted...
When there's snow on the ground it's time to go sledding! Take out the toboggan...
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We've wanted a mouse with a Christmas paper chain forever and Willy figured out how...
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These sweet little mice are wearing the glistening petals of the flower that represents each...
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The best part of winter is building a snowman! Sculpted by Willy. 1.5" x 1.625"...
The Squire of Micester! Sculpted by Annette. 1.75" x 1.75" Retired in 2024.
The Squire's Little Friend. Sculpted by Annette. 1.375" x 1.125" Retired in 2024.
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Dressed in bright red pajamas, this wee mouse is enjoying a Christmas treat. Notice the...
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This darling little mouse is presented to you by Annette! Beautifully painted with tiny hearts...