Batter-up little mouse! Available in six color combinations. Sculpted by Annette. 1.5" x 0.875" Retired...
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It's summer, time to take a break to sail off into the blue! This little...
Nothing sticks in a Dad's mind like the memories of his little ones copying the...
Nothing sticks in a Dad's mind like the memories of his little ones copying the...
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A football player in miniature! Sculpted by Annette. 1.75" x 1" Retired in 2021.
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Grandfather Bear with a cool pocket watch! He looks very wise. Sculpted by Annette. 2.625"...
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The master griller is fired up and ready to serve up some summer barbeque! From...
Dad, yo Dad! He's got all the stuff that makes a day at the beach...
What joy it is soaring in the air, leaping over his best playmate by playing...
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This little mouse is relaxing by the TV. See the drawing by Donna's daughter, Ginny...
These two bears are Lost on the Trail! Good thing they have a cell phone!...
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"Hello, Officer Beedy!" A tiny mouse presents a flower to her neighborhood police officer. Sculpted...
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A pilot and his aircraft! Sculpted by Willy. 1.5" x 2" Retired in 2022.
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Don't bother Mom or Dad until after their morning coffee or tea! Available in three...
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Puttering Around. This mouse figurine is the perfect gift for the avid golfer. Handcrafted by...
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Reeling in a father's most prized possession, his little fish! Fine details include a real...
"Once upon a time there was a little mouse..." Reading aloud is still a favorite...
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This little mouse is ready to put the puck in the net! Sculpted by Annette...
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Let's Ride! Keep the shiny side up! Available with flames or in teal. Sculpted by...
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A mouse motorcycle with a buddy! Sculpted by Donna. 1.75" x 2.75" Retired in 2015....
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When there's snow on the ground it's time to go sledding! Take out the toboggan...
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Off on a power walk with his "Walkmouse" blasting some tunes! Retired in 2012.