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This is an adorable accessory to go with Wee Forest Folk pieces. The birdbath is...
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Another accessory piece to go with your outdoor mice. Little birds and a butterfly are...
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Do you remember running through the meadow searching for butterflies? They are so pretty! Mice...
A garden gazing ball is perfect for making funny faces! Available in blue or pink...
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This wee mouse is having a spa day by cooling her little toes in the...
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Gracie's sanctuary is her garden and she lovingly waters her precious flowers around her sweet...
She's in the most beautiful miniature Japanese garden. The perfect place for contemplation! Exquisite. Sculpted...
April Showers bring May flowers! This little mouse tending her garden makes a nice gift...
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Mommy has a littler helper to do her spring gardening! Great Mother's Day gift for...
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The Mister is very proud of his home grown veggies! We think they're going to...
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The Missus has her basket full of carrots and turnips from the Mister's garden. Love...
Inspired by memories of playing in strawberry fields on the farm as children, this little sweetie...
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Looks like this little mouse has a prize pumpkin! Sculpted by Willy. 1.25" x 1.75"...
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Time to spruce up the garden. A tiny bluebird keeps him company! Sculpted by Willy...
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This little sweetie shows all the colors under the sun! Sculpted by Bonnie. 1.825" x...
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Such a cutie dressed as a peapod! Available with pink or blue sleeves. Sculpted by...
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I'm trying to plant my garden!! What, may I ask, are you little birds up...
Hello little squirrel, welcome to my little pumpkin home! Sculpted by Donna. 1.825" x 2.5"...