With a big smile she gets ready to take a big bite of her St....
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1.25" x 1" Limited in 2003.
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1.75" x 1.25" Limited in 2003.
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Doesn't this little fella make you want to dance a jig? This little leprechaun with his...
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A little stroll holding hands to celebrate St. Patrick's Day for these Irish lovers dressed...
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1.375" x 1.125" Limited in 2002.
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1.5" x 1.625" Limited in 2005.
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A sweet little step dancer holding an Irish bell. The delicate Celtic design on her...
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Standing cheek to jowl these two buddies are decked out in their St. Paddy's Day...
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An Irish kiss for you! Wrapped in shiny green foil and embellished with a shamrock...
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Are you a cat person? Meet Kitty O'Cat! These two are each other's very best...
An Irish cream latte in spirit of St. Patrick's Day is just what's needed to...
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This tiny ladybug counts her lucky coins! .875" x 1" Retired in 2021.
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This little lad has found a four leaf clover and is beaming with joy over...
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This pretty little Irish gnome sits with her wee bunny friend. She's holding a lucky...
Lucky Lucy is dressed in her sweet St. Patrick's Day best. She holds a sparkly...
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FREE with an order of any mouse or bunny or available to be purchased by...
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Somewhere amidst the shamrocks of Ireland, a lovely Irish mouse sits on a rock wall...
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A wee rabbit peeks from between the mushrooms and clovers looking for a St. Patrick's...
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1.375" x 1" Limited in 2005.
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Have you collected all the cupcakes? This one is so cute with his top hat,...
Patti holds her lucky 4 leaf clover while watching with surprise as a ladybug carries...
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Seated on a little rock wall, this Irish mouse eats a St. Patrick's Day treat....
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A St. Patrick's Day themed tea party with the tiniest of guests! *Limited until April...
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This Mr and Mrs are doing a jolly Irish jig when they come across Mr...
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1.5" x 1" Limited in 2003.
Two happy gnomes find a pot of gold in a lucky clover patch for St....