With a big smile she gets ready to take a big bite of her St....
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It is autumn and Thanksgiving is finally here. Abigail loves to share the season's bounty with...
Pilot Ace is looking for his airplane so he can go ahead and take off!!...
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A farm stand selling apples is decked out for Halloween! Little one is filling a...
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Finally a moment to close his eyes, this little mouse relaxes in the sand with...
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Isn't she just the American Dream with her little sailor dress, Independence Day balloon and...
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1.25" x 1" Limited in 2003.
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A little rain in spring! Sculpted by Annette. 1.375" x 1" Blue retired in 2024....
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A baby witch's very first broom!
Baby unpacks their Easter basket for the first time in their sweet Easter bunny jammies!...
Baby unpacks their Easter basket for the first time in their sweet Easter bunny jammies!...
Baby unpacks their Easter basket for the first time in their sweet Easter bunny jammies!...
Baby unpacks their Easter basket for the first time in their sweet Easter bunny jammies!...
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What's up Mama? Is she trying to tell us something? Must be a new baby...
Yikes, he’s about to take off! Hold on to your hat little bat! Sculpted by...
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New Color! Nothing like shooting the sea breeze with a best bud on a hot...
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Nothing like a Fourth of July party at the beach! Retired.
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Someone got a sweet teddy bear for Valentine's Day! She loves it so much she...
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A mom mouse and her new wee mouse baby! New color available! Pink dress with...
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Mouse in a little bee costume shines his light to see where he is trick-or-treating!
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What fun to open the mailbox and see a bunch of birthday surprises! Sculpted by...
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Mousey walks her well trained special show pet with a cute little ribbon and bow...
Trick-or-treat says this sweet mouse dressed as a pretty little flower sprouting from a...
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A trick-or-treater party bobbing for apples!
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Bouncing away on her new toy! Sculpted by Willy. 1.625” x 1" *Limited until January...
Mom bundles up her little love after bath time, nuzzling in close to smell her...
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Mousey in an Easter Bunny suit peaks in his Easter basket to say hi to his...
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Got acorns?! This little mouse is dressed as a squirrel for this Halloween. He's as...
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Finally, a caboose! All aboard! Sculpted by Willy. 1.625" x 1.75" Retired in 2017.
Skiing down a snowbank on a set of candy canes might only be for the...
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She will never forget what a special night at the carnival and she has a...